The annual performance review, when handled properly, should be an enjoyable, positive experience for both the employee and the manager. Too often, the opposite occurs resulting in employee feelings of surprise, resentment and misunderstanding. The TwoGreySuits HR service that (Association) is offering to our members at no cost, has all the tools, processes and teaching guides managers need to handle performance reviews effectively.

Take a few minutes to explore the HR Power Centre at It contains on-line Employee Engagement training, everything you need for effective people management in the HR Power Centre, and, when you need answers fast, you can talk to a senior HR Professional 24/7 through the HR Hot Line.

Signing up is hassle free. Just go to and log in using your email address as your username and (Insert association password) as your password. It's as simple as that.


Hassle-free, effortless HR Solutions for your business ...Because HR Happens.


For more information, call us at (Insert Association Contact Number)